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The true definition and understanding of wisdom have eluded even the brightest minds in today’s world because to know wisdom, you have to know the word of God. Wisdom is simply INSIGHT INTO REALITY and Reality is truth. Jesus said in John 14:6 “…I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life…” Now, you see why being intellectually sound does make someone wise, because if a man’s concept of reality is outside God, he cannot be wise.
There are three Greek words that mean wisdom in the Bible. Two of them are found in Ephesians 1:8 “Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;” The Greek word translated “wisdom” in the above verse is Sophia which means theoretical wisdom while the Greek word translated “prudence” is Phronesis which means practical wisdom. In Luke 1:17, it is called “the wisdom of the just (righteous)”. It is the highest form of wisdom that causes you act in ways consistent with God’s will, plans and purposes. Apostle John further breaks it down in 3 John 1:3 “walking in the truth” is practical wisdom.
The third one is the Greek word Sunesis which means “mental putting together, perception, or understanding”, is translated as “wise” in 2 Corinthians 10:12. In other words, Sunesis is analytical wisdom. Without it, as a child of God you may reason wrongly and have the wrong interpretation about life.
But thanks be unto God, the scriptures have made it clear that Christ is our wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30). We therefore have unlimited access to the wisdom of God.
From this month, therefore, understand that you have the responsibility to do the following:
As a Minister of God, walking in wisdom is very key in your life to manifest honor, glory and absolute prosperity with victories on every side.
To grow even more in your knowledge of the Word of God, we invite you today to subscribe to the ISM Online School and be connected to timeless teachings and courses by our man of God, Pastor Chris and other Senior Ministers of the ISM. To enroll in the Online School, kindly visit: school.christembassy-ism.com
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