Wednesday, March 26th

Our Mission

With a burning desire to bring God's Word to all men in simplicity and with the power of the Holy Spirit, our man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (D.SC., D.SC., D.D.) envisioned the International School of Ministry (ISM), specifically to train and equip ministers of the Gospel of Christ, building in them the realities of God's Word and empowering them to carry the message of eternal life in Christ Jesus to their world, with great demonstrations of the miraculous power of God. Glory to God!

The vision of the ISM is teaching, demonstration and impartation. This vision easily rubs off on the students such that on returning to their churches, these ministers find themselves teaching the Word of God with great conviction and accurate knowledge, demonstrating the character of the Spirit, healing the sick, casting out devils and imparting others with the same awesome grace. It's so amazing! The ISM provides you with the opportunity of being tutored under the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris, and imparted with the peculiar grace at work in his ministry

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