Saturday, February 22nd


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Church growth is a top priority for Pastors and Church leaders and many are constantly seeking ways to grow in the work of ministry amidst certain delimiting factors which may be geographical, financial, or other factors. While strategies, programs, and outreach efforts play significant roles in contributing to Church Growth, there is an underlying element that surpasses all human efforts, and that is the outworking of the divine influence in your spirit (Zechariah 4.6).

As ministers of the gospel, understanding and nurturing this divine influence is crucial to seeing churches flourish in ways that human strategies alone cannot achieve. Apostle Peter in one of his prayers for the Church declared, “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord”- 2 Peter 1.2 KJV. This scripture positions an increase in divine knowledge as a precursor to multiplied Grace, which is the outworking of the divine influence in a man’s spirit.

It is important to know that ‘divine influence’ differs from ‘the anointing’. while you can grow in divine influence, you don’t increase in the anointing. You received the power after the Holy Ghost came upon you (Acts 1.8), but you don’t increase in the power; you only grow in the outworking of the divine influence. When the divine influence works out within a man’s spirit, there are things that are revealed on the outside. This is likened to the wind because you don’t see the wind but you can see the effect of the wind.

An increase in the outward reflection of this inner influence of the divine power, brings significant changes in your life and ministry. This is achieved as you grow daily in your experiential knowledge of God. The key is not in looking for a way to increase in the anointing but growing in divine knowledge.

God has made all the grace you require for Church Growth available for you. 2 Corinthians 9.8 says, “And God is able to make all grace abound towards you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work”. So, how much of this grace are you willing to access? You will know through the amount of divine knowledge you possess.

You can increase in your knowledge of God, by taking advantage of ministerial resources at the International School of Ministry @ the ISM SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM

Download the ISM App, from the LOVEWORLD APP STORE and discover more materials to enrich your ministry.

For more information on the go, follow the ISM Superuser on Kingschat



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