Saturday, February 22nd

Wisdom Is Talking, Are YOU Listening?

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  • Nov 07, 2023        
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2 Timothy 3:15 declares to us: “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus”.

The scriptures have the ability to make you wise such that even without reasoning, you know what to do. This is because wisdom goes beyond your reasoning or thinking. Therefore culture your spirit to always listen to and believe God's word. 

Be a believing minister and stay afloat on the word. Wisdom talks to us through the teaching of God’s word: Take it seriously!

Understand also, that it matters how you listen because your attitude in listening will be the factor of the blessing you get out of it. We see that the Pharisees in Bible days only gave audience to the words of the master for their own evil agenda (Mark 12:12, Matthew 22:15). As such, not everyone who listens to the word gets a blessing out of it, but every time you respond positively to God’s word, it increases your revelation.

Dear Minister, we invite you today to our online school platform where you can have access to teachings from our Man of God and other seasoned ministers of the gospel bringing you God’s wisdom for life and ministry.

You are welcome to register today by using the following link:

You can also send us an email at [email protected] or contact us through the following numbers; +44 751 430 0785, +234 810

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