Friday, February 21st

As Iron Sharpens...

  • Admin        
  • Oct 20, 2022        
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The scriptures declare; “As iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens [and influences] another [through discussion].” Proverbs 27:17 AMP

At the ISM Global Ministers Cell, we offer you the opportunity to be inspired and rightly influenced by the ministry of the Man of God Pastor Chris as you enjoy rich fellowship of the Spirit with other seasoned ministers of the gospel.

With a continuous flow of love, encouragement and inspiration, you'll find that your passion for a more intimate relationship with the Lord is deepened and your conviction to enforce His will is heightened.

Our meetings are designed to create opportunities for ministers to be blessed by the ministry of the Word and participate in spiritual worship and heartfelt prayer, whilst catching a greater vision of Christ and thereby, enabling those they lead to do the same. 

What We Offer

Coming on Board with us…

1. Immediately connects you to the Ministry of the Man of God, Pastor Chris which has global reach and influence.

2. Gives you access to a vast array of study materials from the ministry of Pastor Chris all available for your nurture and growth as a minister. 

3. Helps you build inspirational relationships with other ministers of like mind and spirit as you convene with them monthly for times of refreshing, prayer and blessings.

4. Positions you to be a source of upliftment and encouragement to other ministers who will come to the network through you.

Our Doors are Open to Receive You

WE cordially invite you join us today. We are ready to receive you with open arms!

You can join one of our Global ministers cells and begin a most remarkable journey of faith with unending testimonies or you can start one in your locality, giving other ministers like you the opportunity to be blessed and inspired by our enriching study and outreach programs.

To find out more on how to join a cell or start one, log on to or send an email to [email protected] or you can simply call the numbers: (UK) +44 786 828 2596; (SA) +27 788 187 561; (INDIA) +91 705 817 8740, + 91 958 864 5761; (NG) +234 703 291 1487, +234 812 102 0116.

The ISM Global Ministers Cell

Be Informed Be Inspired


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Never Out of Style!