The prayer lifestyle of a minister of the gospel is a cornerstone of an effective and impactful ministry. The responsibility of a minister ranges from preaching, teaching, counseling, leading, to shepherding the flock. However, the most crucial

The prayer lifestyle of a minister of the gospel is a cornerstone of an effective and impactful ministry. The responsibility of a minister ranges from preaching, teaching, counseling, leading, to shepherding the flock. However, the most crucial aspect of ministry, which underpins all others, is maintaining a steadfast and vibrant prayer life. When you study the Scripture, you will discover there are principles in God’s Word that when we learn and act on them, we will surely fulfill our destiny in God. One of these principles is Prayer. 

As ministers of the gospel, there is a need to prioritize time alone with God just as Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to pray (Luke 5:16, Luke 22.41). In one of these occasions, the Bible recorded that He was strengthened by an Angel after spending time in prayer (Luke 22.41-43). That was the Holy Spirit because He’s the only strengthener from heaven. You might be faced with one situation or the other about your life or ministry, but suddenly you will find the strength to continue if you would pray in the Spirit just as Jesus did. This is why He sent us the Holy Ghost- to strengthen us, so that in times of crisis or temptation, we will not drown.

It is important to note that there are different kinds of prayer but for a more effective prayer life, you have to pray more in the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14.3). Every time you pray this way, your spirit is set aglow with the glory of God revealed in your inner man and you find yourself walking in God’s preordained pathway for you (Romans 12.11 AMPC). With this kind of prayer, you will always find yourself thinking the right thoughts, saying the right words, and doing the right things at the right time.

Ministry is spiritual and we must know that we have to prevail with God first before we can prevail with men. If you want to be in a continuous state of harmony with the Holy Spirit, you must give quality time to praying in the Spirit. When you do, you will have clarity of vision, know the next step to take in ministry and stay unperturbed despite any daunting situation.

One of the ways to ensure that whatever changes you seek in your life and ministry are effected is through prayer. You might be at a point in ministry where it seems there’s not much progress, the Holy Spirit will take over when you pray in the spirit. Even if you feel weak, the power of God will rise within you as you speak in other tongues (Jude 1.20).

Gain more insight that will revolutionize your prayer life by enrolling in the Prayer Studies program at the ISM Online School-

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Vincent johnson

Vincent johnson

Sep 03, 2024

I want to study all the subjects